Tópicos: Magazine | Música

Matt Cameron recordó a Chris Cornell a un año de su muerte

Autor: Cooperativa.cl

"Era mi alma gemela musical", dijo el baterista de Soundgarden.

Matt Cameron recordó a Chris Cornell a un año de su muerte

Este viernes se cumple un año de la muerte del músico Chris Cornell, ocasión que el baterista de Soundgarden, Matt Cameron, utilizó para recordar a su desaparecido compañero.

Mediante una carta abierta, el artista dedicó sentidas palabras al cantante, a quien consideró "mi alma gemela musical y un amigo muy especial".

"Chris siempre dio el ejemplo con su ética de trabajo, su sentido del humor, su amor por los animales y su amor por la familia", dijo Cameron.

En la publicación el percusionista recordó la primera vez que audicionó para ser parte de Soundgarden en la casa de Cornell. "Cuando terminamos la canción, Chris me miró y me dijo 'tocaste perfecto, tenemos un show la próxima semana, ¿quieres hacerlo?', a lo que respondí que sí", recordó.

"Siempre le agradeceré las décadas de ánimo que me entregó y por la fiera amistad que forjamos. Te quiero, amigo", finalizó.

Can't believe it's already been one year since I lost my musical soulmate and special friend Chris Cornell. Chris always led by example-his work ethic, his sense of humor, his love of animals, his love of the Cascades, his love of family. Bands are nearly impossible to get right, but Soundgarden felt incredibly fierce and so right for me on day one, mid February 1986. I auditioned for Soundgarden in Chris' living room, sat behind his rusty Tama kit and counted in Ocean Fronts, my all time favorite SG tune. The tune had kind of a long intro, it sounded great and then all of a sudden Chris starts singing the verse. I was instantly blown away by the impact of his voice and I felt myself settling into the band on my first try. It was all because of that mind blowing voice. When the song was over Chris turned to me with a big smile on his face and said "you played it perfectly, we have a gig at the Central in one week, want to do it?" "Yes, I want to do it," I replied. I will forever praise him for the decades of encouragement he gave me and for the fierce friendship we forged. I love you buddy.

Una publicación compartida de Matt Cameron (@themattcameron) el 18 May, 2018 a las 11:04 PDT


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